Thursday, 1 September 2011

70 Athletes anniversary PSHT HS Cup II IBI Darmajaya Lampung

Teknikal MeetingMeeting of the Teknical

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Loyal brotherhood day Terate (PSHT) Cup II Se - Lampung, Lampung, Darmajaya IBI specialized today (24/6) was officially presented. According to President, Edy Sudrajat, the activities of the game was the second time in the IBI Darmajaya Lampung.   "This is the second time SH Cup matches took place, after that the first of the Lampung, a year earlier, a similar Championship also held," he said the talks opening.

Added by him, SH Cup II, would later be performed by Cbl for three days. From Friday to Sunday, (June 24-26). "Praise of 14 branch PSHT in Lampung, 11 athletes to send staff as his branches in this Championship," he added.

L'onzième branch was Bandarlampung, Lampung barat, Lampung Selatan, Metro, Prinsewu, Tanggamus, North Lampung, Waykanan, Toelangbawang, Toelangbawang the parent, the Mesuji branch. "To match our own, until the son of pertandingkan class F, while the Princess to class D," the lid.

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165 Athletes follow the Pencak Silat scholar PSHT Se branch Keboemen

KEBOEMEN-enthusiasm participants follow the pencak silat scholar PSHT Branch keboemen is quite high.
All 165 athletes following kegitan held in GOR Klirong Indrajaya Keboemen, 25 and 26 June. The general categories of chosen SMP/MTs champion i.e. JUNIOR Team 7 keboemen as champion 1, champion klirong 2 and champion JUNIOR 2 Pejagoan 3 shoot. for the high school/SMK/MA Champion 1 reached twig Alian exceeded SMK VIP Al-Huda public Champion and SMK N champion Ambal 2 1 3. For a single SD art katgori 1 reached son Champion Dr. Fahmi SD N Gadungrejo Klirong and the daughter of Oliver Enggal Dr. SDN Ambalkumolo Buluspesantren. in the event selected best articles. For the best JUNIOR son Oliver articles Dr. Richard Alian, while Princess Meilani Dr. banyumas. best high school Articles which son Dr. Anggit SMK VIP Al-Huda, daughter of Sekar Wulandari Dr. Prembun. The Championship was contested by the rotation of the cutting DIKPORA Service (education youth and sports)ebumen K. For the General Champion Cup fixed jg 1 received Dr. Head Dislitbang TNI AD keboemen, Champion 2 get the President IPSI Cup and the Champion to keboemen 3 earned Copa PSHT chaired keboemen Mas Agus Eko purwono, s.PD. We planned roll of this activity, are routinely kegitan also to fill the school holidays. PSHT of organization and more exciting in keboemen. (of rice)

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Fixed Cup Gondol Pringsewu

Direction of BANDARLAMPUNG - grab back Pringsewu General Cup Champions clubs in rotation at the same time brings Cup remained in the Championship of the brotherhood of the faithful day Terate (PSHT) Cup II Se - Lampung, dihelat IBI Darmajaya specialized, Lampung. This time the company successfully 5 Pringsewu 11 gold medals. 1 Articles of gold c classes and sections of son of class 4 gold, C, e and f were female.

While the champion of two and 3 branch of Metro 3 gold and Tuba Holding with 2 gold. 1 other or Waykanan of the branch.

In the case where this time, followed by 11 with 14 branches of to-Lampung. Bandarlampung, Lampung: a branch of West Lampung Selatan, Metro, Pringsewu, Lampung Utara, Tanggamus, Waykanan, Toelangbawang, Toelangbawang Parent and Mesuji.

President, Sudrajad Edy reveals the game activity, dihelat for 3 days (24-26/06) is generally smooth. Live currently waiting for delivery of trophies. "We can only wait for the Rector cover the event.". After the capitulation of trophies and other awards, "said Drajad, Sunday (26/6)."

Drajad hope, this kind of event part can be the result of the match and also became an accomplished athlete, rope in strengthening Brotherhood (*)

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KEBOEMEN-PSHT Keboemen direction Sunday, 5/7/2011 held a joint exercise and increases to test all existing Branches in keboemen, implementation of the branch in the conduct of the activities of the Centre of the square city Keboemen and SMP N 7 Keboemen. On this occasion was also particularly Tests increase the level of green to white as the preparation of the new citizens of the candidate logging of the Keboemen Branches in 2011. Registered up to 44 students take a test for the Green and white. The President of the branch of Keboemen Mas Agus Eko Purwono, s.PD explained that this activity as an activity preparatory of the centrality of white students and also to introduce the city OSH Keboemen. rice

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Personal HS

Person private HS, as it is?

Found there some time by our flavour of sedulur sport column becomes the HS is a choice of life.

We all certainly have heard adagium "life is a choice."
As a man who was given a reason and free will, the life we live, it should indeed be an option.

After the vote, of course there are a series of consequences that follow. One of them is personal. Private person SH duly reflects the personal values in accordance with the teachings of the sh. did not need to use the language that is difficult to explain. Starting from oneself, where learning to be a personal favour, in order, but rest ndak ngoyo seeks to provide the best in life.

Perhaps my age are too young to teach life, but learn from the experience of me being personally take always tried anime HS so that it becomes easier personal recognition in the order all his favours.

A natural character during terantuk step barriers, may feel despair that ultimately undermine yourself. But, after thinking about a tip for the teaching of HS, as "sepiro gedhene sengsoro tinompo yen amung dadi cobo", I began to crawl to get unruly and the difficulty of the steps which may not always be easy. Because from the beginning has always provided positive thoughts, here's life. Not a life right-straight away, or without seamless welding.

Perhaps, it is one of the hints to be personally HS, how to be strong, no strong staff and continue to think positively in accepting this way of life that God has given. Is it not in the destiny, there is a destiny, we can still change?

In trying to be personally HS, I learned to understand the real life. As a personal nerimo, which just, it certainly will go, what it was, at one time to get there. That what you had, no eternal nature. I hope that this could be a little later.

* For has never felt me lost something valuable votes, maybe it is God's way to the mahluknya in a manner that more closely.

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Branch PSHT of PENCAK SILAT scholar 2011 KEBOEMEN

Will branch PSHT Keboemen this year be rolling on the opening of branch level Pencak silat scholar PSHT first, God willing, will be held June 25-26, 2011. Until this article was written already on 150 who register at the Championships, PSHT keboemen is a branch of the new branch PSHT belongs to prosper the newness 4 times confirms himself. TK 2 new citizens. We all do' saudara22 PSHT everywhere where the event is perhaps the first time in this branch of the keboemen may operate. the purpose of this Championship is to be implemented memasyarkatkan OSH keboemen Regency in Central Java in particular, and in preparation for the level of district POPDA face so that students are better prepared, and the event for young people to learn pencak Silat IPSI Version Matches. Mudah22an PSHT will for always in accordance with the national motto of the Indonesia PSHT. Aamiin...

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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

the 126 students follow the increase in Test white Branch Lamsel


LAMPUNGSELATAN - Branch of the brotherhood of loyal hearts Terate (PSHT) 126 students Lampungselatan (Lamsel), yesterday (11/7) tesk high levels of green to white.

Testing out of the village of Ruguk, Lamsel Ketapang, Sugeng Praptomo district, said it is a process which is crossed by a student to be able to make part of a larger family PSHT (, red).

From time to time, which is the branch of Chief Sugeng PSHT Lamsel, himself sent a message to the students taking the test to quickly prepare rider menghadapai in 2011.

"Just an endorsement minute." So from now on be prepared, be it physical or spiritual, "he said.

In addition, Sugeng also sent a message to keep practicing so that outcomes can be realized to be a true citizen of the HS. These students a 126 test won a few twigs as Bakauheni, Ketapang, Intercession, Sragi, Kalianda, Sidomulyo and Mahameru. (Farid)

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Kendal Champion Kejurnas PSHT VII 2011

Madiun-Contingent Regency of Kendal, Central Java, came out as a champion of the national championship of Pencak Silat Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood (PSHT) VII held in Padepokan PSHT, Madiun, East Java, 7-9 July 2011.

"Say us thank you to all those who are willing to sacrifice the time quota and its energy coming from far in order to establish the brotherhood of the rope", the President of the center of Madison, HSP Terate Boedi Tarmadji ratification, said Sunday.

At the national level, Kendal picked up two gold medals and one silver. Second obtained by a contingent of Ogan Komering Ulu District Branch (OKU), South Sumatra, who won two gold and one bronze medal and the third position occupied by a branch of Banyuwangi, an election caused a medal of gold, silver and four bronze.

Considering that, host of the big three in Madiun failed and only get a gold medal. The winners of the tournament in addition to medals won as trophies, prizes and money coaching Charter.

Tarmadji sent a message, for the winners still be able to keep coaching has been given. Although yet to win to keep it. For the next Championship, hopefully still held at the main padepokan to Madiun.

""Through the Kejurnas PSHT VII"this time, should raise superior articles from seedlings-seedlings that could represent a certain area at the regional level, national and international competition, he said."

The leader of CDP largest silat of the Indonesia, Tarmadji hope that articles not just rely on pure physical strength, mentally as well as articles should be kept. Don't let the expertise of pencak silat misused for what is negative.

In this Championship, and various articles with the best sons and daughters. Son of best articles acquired by Tuban branch Susanto, and the best articles on the articles of the daughter branch OKU, South Sumatra, Ria Puspitasari.

"Evaluation of the best articles are based on attack techniques, martial arts, sportivitas and endurance." "Selection of the best articles based on the results of this assessment of the Board of referees, judges, the President of the correspondence and techniques of the delegation," said the Chairman of the Committee PSHT VII, Kejurnas, Inc..

It must at least 127 Kujuaraan son daughter articles and 57. With the number of games for a total of 171 of the party.

Deputy Mayor of Madison, Sugeng Rismianto, welcomed the positive Kejurnas Pencak Silat PSHT 2003. The event can be to find articles from professionals who are capable of with the name of the nation.

"Madison did not become a champion and still lost to other areas." This proves that pencak silat coaching has been distributed. Expected winners and other participants can be made on a level higher again, "said the Deputy Mayor of Madison, Sugeng Rismianto."

in the quote from:

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The new stewardship specialized PSHT Malahayati (Unimal) University of Lampung

Thank you, you have an active part in the development of the HS,...? CONTINUOUS ABSTINENCE, PSHT JAYA,...?

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Brothers, we often hear these words. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second, we can meet our brothers and sisters. The two brothers and sisters are with us or to the civil House with us that home with us. Here we will see the brother that brotherhood is are meeting in TERATE Loyal hearts. PSHT which made us all as a brother. The Brotherhood as the brothers of one of its own was even more. Those of us who don't know each other before, now can know that the other can be mutually brothers. We could all also before friends, now his friendship becomes more links of fraternity. In fact we are indeed before brothers, it is now more closely the brotherhood in PSHT.

Our brothers and sisters is a gift from above for us. As a gift, there is a nice packaging / interesting and some are less attractive wrapper. The wrapper has a beautiful and beautiful face less attractive wrapper had a face. But the personalities are on both sides of what is visible from the outside. The two are different it could only have a personality or interesting, or even annoying personality for us. Also, it is such a gift which is pleasant, and some are less content crappy we love. The contents are good have a soul and a heart that is so beautiful that we have been dazzled. When we share with him, when keep us spent long hours to share together, pleasant and laughing together, stories and entertaining, cry together, we love him and he is dear to us.

The content is ugly/bad had injured the hearts and souls. Both his injuries for the soul and the heart can not afford to love and take care of his brothers. It is precisely because it does feel not love and compassion in his life. We often receive a denial, resentment, hatred, envy, pride, anger and attitude of him. To make us as his brother does not like with the soul and the heart of this kind, we will try to shy away from them. Unfortunately, we do not know that what is not due to our brothers and sisters are fundamentally wrong. But the inability of the soul and heart giving love and affection. Therefore there need for love and affection we like his brother. Need for the US empathy, patience and courage we like his brother to listen the deeper wounds of the soul and heart memasung.

However, they are all our brothers and sisters which was a gift for us. Either the wrapper of greater or less attractive. Whether good or bad. Why should we be fooled by the packaging? Only when we meet between the soul with the soul, the heart to heart, we know that the real gifts prepared for us. Because of the brotherhood in the PSHT regardless of "who am I" and "who are you", "what is belakangmu substance" and "what is the background behind me." The fraternity is a brotherhood in PSHT which comes from the heart of each Member and its citizens sanubari respectively.

Give meaning to our lives is not only for yourself but also to calm our brothers and fellow Member/fellow citizens and mankind PSHT others in our lives. Give our time with a sense of compassion and caring. But don't forget that love and compassion must have its limits. Not be too exaggerated. A brother as a jewel to be discovered. Let us be more pererat again our brotherhood. Brotherhood of the eternal and immortal takkkan lost erased by time to distance and inseparable raga. The brotherhood between the soul with the soul, heart and liver. The elder brother of loving younger sister. Younger brother should rather be able to respect older brothers. But the elder brothers get step arbitrary and dictatorial nature with respect.

We should get excited and joy if you see a brother, we are pleased and excited. Don't be not jealous if you see a brother we are pleased and excited. We must also be able to feel the pain and agony, our brothers if our brothers who had a problem/degree of difficulty. When there is a problem between our companions PSHT brothers or others who are not citizens of PSHT, let us finish together as the executables and wise.

Let us keep these fraternal relations together. We hope that rope ties of brotherhood between home rope ties we be more closely and stay aroused. And vive HS Terate for ever...! Amin.


Fraternal greetings!


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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

pengejawantahan pencak silat

perjalanan ke madiun awalnya bertujuan menjemput saudara di sana untuk dibawa ke jakarta. suasana desa membawa kedamaian, terlintas pikiran untuk tinggal di sana dan membentuk suatu persaudaraan, yaitu persaudaraan setia hati.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Battle To Win With Martials Arts Weapons

Martial Arts could be a apply for learning combat. Its fundamental objective should be to defend yourself within the bodily threat and defeat your companion in route. The phrase ‘martial arts’ stays with various European phrase for fighting art, that is referred to as European martial arts. This indicates ale warfare. The Martial arts weapon have always completed a vital role in route of combat. Nunchakus are one inside the weapons present in Karate, a martial arts type. They are region of the traditional Kobudu weapons and contain two stays linked using their finishes using a series or rope.

Karate really indicates empty handed, to make sure that it will seem odd the form utilizes plenty of martial arts weapons. It is not obligatory to create the most of people weapons but if you should do, they might double your power and coordination, resulting in you to definitely certainly a higher class fighter. These days weapons and martial arts go submit hands.

You will uncover various kinds martial arts in numerous nations and you will find a lot more kinds of martial arts weapons. You'll uncover wide groups of individuals weapons, with each comprised of additional sub divisions. Some types of people weapons are bow and arrow, knife, western fencing weapons, brief staff of stick weapons, extended weapons, swords, composite weapons, gentle weapons, truncheons, sickles, shields, projectile weapons and clubs. You'll possess the ability to a match condition of weapons beneath such groups.

Prior to coaching obtaining a martial arts weapon you need to have a appear, that might help you understand which card inserts you kind of fighting. Enter in the great status for each weapon and uncover which type of coaching is every one nicely suited for. Then select the one you prefer.

The Nunchuck might be used inside the Okinawan martial arts for instance some kinds of karate. Some Eskrima techniques have whilst using the Nunchuck. It had been coded inside the seventeenth century by Okinawans carrying out a Japanese occupied their land. Initially both equal sections were tied collectively by horsehair.

Within the earliest types, the Nunchuck was used just as one farming tool helpful for threshing grain. When used as becoming a weapon it had been integrated incorporated in a number of positions and techniques. The stays were employed to strike or poke together with the chain could strangle or block the opponent. Presently the Nunchuck is integrated integrated in martial arts training that is used by some police agencies.

It is easy to select a martial arts weapon these days. If you're seeking to purchase them, the easiest options are the web that you will get numerous styles and costs of people weapons. Whenever you uncover an ideal one on your personal, it is suggested that you simply judge it by its high quality and by no means cost. If you want to purchase a nunchuck, you'll possess the ability to obtain your self a efficient but light wood nunchuck within the price that is a optimum of $70. If you'd like an perfect studying karate as well as be referred to as a martial arts professional, acquire a perfect weapon today.

Trying to find more details about it , please visit my website today to learn much more information on pencak silat